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I was doing the same to him.He then asked her, "Ready to head to bed?"It may shock her at first but believe me the pleasure will win out.Maybe some theme music will help?” I fiddled with my phone, queuing up ‘Sweet Home Alabama’.My hands went to the head of this licking bastard at my waist and I rode that face…writhing on his mouth as waves were pulsing inside me now.He blushed brightly and looked up at her, letting the cock once more pop free from his lips to rest against his blushing cheek, “W-what?”I was wearing a shirt and some loose underwear.As big as these two were that’s just how helpless they appeared to be.It was one of the sexiest and most teasing things anyone has ever done to me. I wanted her to finish and get to my fucking pussy!“And we're live in five, four, three, two, one!” Guanting called.Faith croakedThe lesson seems to pass quickly but you still have time to get bored during the last fifteen minutes, as you finished all the exercises before your c